This page is intended to provide details of the Woodstock ETNS main ‘Healthy Eating’ policy alongside the unfolding of our ‘Wellbeing Framework for Practice (2023).

It is intended to guide the whole school community (teachers, parents, pupils and guardians) by bringing awareness and insight to the health & wellbeing culture and proactive approaches at Woodstock ETNS.

 What is Wellbeing?             

 “Wellbeing is present when a person realises their potential, is resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their life, takes care of their physical wellbeing and has a sense of purpose, connection and belonging to a wider community. It is a fluid way of being and needs nurturing throughout life” (WHO, 2001).

    In the Primary School context 4 key areas are identified as integral aspects that when positively addressed directly impact the Wellbeing promotion process. At Woodstock ETNS we embrace a 2 tiered support for our pupils- A Whole School Approach demonstrated through the classroom based NEPs approved Resiliency programme (FRIENDS FIRST) & via Individual Interventions which are promoted and supported by our Wellbeing Specialist Teacher.


This policy was formulated by members of the teaching staff in consultation with other staff members, the pupils, parent representatives, Principal and Board of Management. All feedback is encouraged and welcome!

Healthy eating in childhood:      

  • Can help improve performance in class and at play
  • Can help improve concentration
  • Meets children’s nutrients needs for growth and development
  • Encourages good eating habits for life

Why have a healthy eating policy?

  • It improves the nutrition standard and eating habits of all in the school
  • If helps to clarify the school’s position on foods encouraged/discouraged
  • It acts as a guideline for any new staff or families joining the school
  • It ensures that the message children receive from both teachers and parents is consistent.
  • It ensures that what is taught at home and in the classroom is put into practice.

Hot Meals Scheme 

Fresh Today provide the students with a free daily Hot Meal, our students still need to bring a healthy snack for little lunch.

  • Each student is provided with an individual login and password for the Fresh Today App/Website
  • Students have until 6.00pm on Thursday before the following week to update their lunch order on the Fresh Today App
  • All students will be set up with a default lunch order of Chicken Curry & Rice. This is so that all students will have a lunch on the first day of service regardless of if they login to place their order or not.
  • When parents or students login to the child’s website account, they can also select their allergens if applicable. Once allergens are selected, all meals containing those allergens are removed from the options.
  • Each child will be provided with a Sistema lunch box so they can bring the leftovers home, please remember to bring it back in the next day
  • Fresh today will provide wooden cutlery

List of banned foods from our school due to allergies:


  • Almonds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Chestnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Macadamias
  • Mixed nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Pecans
  • Pine nuts
  • Pistachio nuts
  • Walnuts
  • Nut filled chocolate spreads (eg Nutella or other brand)
  • Nut butters
  • Pestos (usually contains pine nuts or cashew nuts)
  • Breakfast cereals and muesli bars containing nuts
  • Chocolate containing nuts (eg. Snickers bars)
  • Baklava, Greek pastry (walnut or peanut)
  • Marzipan (almond)
  • Praline (usually hazelnut)
  • Nut biscuits such as amaretti, macaroons
  • Florentines (almond)
  • Nut milk (eg. Almond milk)

SPHE: Stay Safe/Walk Tall & Relationships & Sexuality (RSE) Programmes:

  • Social, Personal & Health Education is an important element of our school day:
  • SPHE is a lifelong process that begins before the child comes to school and will continue long after they have left. SPHE promotes the values of a just and caring society in an age-appropriate manner. It fosters self-esteem, and confidence at every opportunity.
  • This link gives parents insight into topics explored within the Stay Safe Programme

Stay Safe - Teachers | PDST

RSE Programme comprises of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of relationships and sexuality. It is offered at an age appropriate level. To deepen parental insight please find attached the current RSE curriculum guidelines- Simply tap on the book link provided below for each class level:

Walk Tall Programme: Compromises practical strategies to support children’s well-being. For a general overview please visit link below:

Scoil Iosagáin Infant N.S Whole School Plan for